SSN Trace & Address History
Verify Social Security Number with names, aliases, date of birth, and address history.
Sexual Offender Registries
Scan national and state sex-offender databases to ensure your employees are not registered offenders.
Motor Vehicle & Driving Records
Check driver’s license and motor vehicle records including status, class type, points, and all violations.
“I provided Fact Finder Plus with just a name and approximate date of birth or age on their online store. Typed in my name and the results had me SPEECHLESS”
Have you ever googled yourself, neighbors, lost loved, old friends, your partner, a friend? For small to large businesses and corporations, we offer the very best background screening that is extremely comprehensive in one report for one fee. 57% of Americans admit to keeping an eye on their online reputation, and 46% admit to using the internet to look up someone from their past. However, the Internet like Google search does not provide any reasonable intelligence in the online searches.
But Google is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to finding personal information. There is also a slew of public record searches where the results are less than satisfactory and just give you bare bones of no value.
There’s a fantastic website going around that users are calling “creepy,” “scary,” and “awesome.”
Have you ever been issued a speeding ticket? Failed to stop at a stop sign? Do you know someone who’s attended that raging college party that was broken up by the cops? If you’re like most of us, the answer to at least one of those questions is “yes.” Most of us have slipped up at least once or twice. In fact, one in three Americans has been arrested by the time they turn 23.
So do you want to know who is revealing the full “scoop” on millions of Americans? It’s | You can search through hundreds of millions of records and find incredible information such as date of birth, all addresses they lived at and living now presently, phone numbers, cell phone numbers, criminal records, AKA’s, family members, friends, spouses, ex’s, offenders, judgments, liens, driving history and a whole lot more in a matter of minutes all in one comprehensive report at a very reasonable price than offered anywhere! Bounty Hunters are notorious for using public and private database searches while searching and sniffing out a Fugitive from Justice. Accurate reporting without the high cost!
These are criminals with hidden and false backgrounds and names. All you need is a first and last name to begin your search. Additional information is helpful in your search. members can literally begin searching in seconds for sensitive data like criminal, traffic, and arrest records.
Plus, they are able to check as many records as they want (think: friends, family, neighbors, enemies, old flames, etc. etc.). Previously, if you needed to research somebody’s arrest records, it would be costly and involve a lot of work. First, you’d need to know where the arrest records were located.
You would most likely to hire a costly private investigator or you’d need to travel to the appropriate county court office — in person! Even then they most likely will not release the information without a valid authorization. After filling out long and boring paperwork, you’d have to wait up to several days or weeks for the results. And what if somebody was hiding an arrest in an unknown county or state? You might never find it.
But with websites like, a thorough and accurate background check is simple and easy. Use our easy order form or email us at for information and to order. members can literally begin searching in seconds for sensitive data like criminal, traffic, and arrest records. Plus, they are able to check as many records as they want (think: friends, family, neighbors, enemies, old flames, etc. etc.). Previously, if you needed to research somebody’s arrest records, it would be costly and involve a lot of work.
First, you’d need to know where the arrest records were located. You would most likely to hire a costly private investigator or you’d need to travel to the appropriate county court office — in person! After filling out long and boring paperwork, you’d have to wait up to several days or weeks for the results. And what if somebody was hiding an arrest in an unknown county or state? You might never find it. But with websites like, although and accurate background check is simple and easy. We make it easy and affordable for everyone.
Tired of deception and lies? Learn the truth! Go to and visit our missing persons background checks. Comprehensive reports all included. You will find detailed and explicit information not readily available through a standard commercial search engine.
Our searches are easy and after a few minutes, you will find accurate and dumbfounded truth. Do not be victimized. See the light at the end of the tunnel. People agree 100% that our search yields incredible information. Several people have testified they found a forgotten Facebook profile from college, with all the embarrassing party photos set to public!
Fact Finder Plus even found “secret” social media profiles that one created under an alias. Our end users are surprised at the sheer volume of data available. It will freak you out and it is all LEGAL. You can honestly obtain someone’s life.
A repeat customer offered a note that read “After conducting just one search, I was totally hooked. I just couldn’t believe that it was possible to have this many personal record details online!” After reading through some of the testimonials from other users, it was amazing to read about some of the potentially life-or-death situations that averted! Online dating can be fatal as we hear of all of those real stories about grifters, perpetrators and predators. Who do you trust?
Here is but one testimonial from hundreds of others. “I met a handsome young man at a bar near my house. He seemed like a total catch but my intuition was ringing in my head after a few dates. I tried out and had them look him up — he has currently pending charges for statutory rape and kidnapping in another state! Needless to say, I lost his number rather quickly.”
Another “From now on, I’m looking up as many of the people in my life — no matter how normal they seem. And guess what, offers the best value, so I’ll never be fooled again.” Although can show deeply shocking criminal records, I’ve really been surprised by just how practical it is as an everyday tool. I’ve used it to look up addresses, phone numbers, birthdates, assets, real estate — heck, you can even find Amazon wish lists on FactFinderPlus.” Plus, it is completely confidential. No one will ever know you conducted a search.
“My own report came back with an interactive map of local sex offenders in my neighborhood, complete with mugshots and explicit details of their crimes. You can also look up your friends’ addresses to see how you can avoid perverts, rapists, and total scumbags when you visit them.”
There have been hundreds of positive reactions. It isn’t all scary though. It is information you deserve to know. I’ve heard lots of positive stories, too. People have reunited because of this website. Estranged families have used public records in FactFinderPlus to contact long-lost family members to get back in touch. Military friends have reconnected after years of lost contact because they found the right phone number or email address on their report. A woman wrote in recently, “All in all, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend FactFinderPlus to my friends and family.”
In today’s world, you need to take precautions to keep yourself and your family safe.” But if you’re going to look up someone that you know using Fact Finder, I have to warn you: the information you might find could forever change how you feel about someone. Make sure that you’re emotionally prepared for the consequences if you find something you don’t want to see.
To get started with your search, click here.